Biostax Corp: A Biotech development engine powering efficient small-scale med-tech, pharmaceutical and biotechnology programs
Lodonal ™
The Once-a-day Immune System-Regulator for the Management of HIV/AIDS
Committed to the Global Promise to End AIDS by 2030
Lodonal™ is approved in Nigeria as a one-day Immune System Regulator for the management of HIV/AIDS, which is based on the results of the Company’s 90-Day bridging trial in Nigeria that resulted in a 44% increase in CD4 Count versus an 11% increase for standard of care patients. Additionally, there was a reduction in opportunistic infections plus several Phase II multi-center, randomized studies that demonstrated improvements for patients treated with Lodonal™ when compared to placebo or standard of care.
BiostaxRx Telehealth & Inflammaging Platform

BiostaxRx Telehealth & Inflammaging Platform: A World where Quality of Life Returns to Those with Inflammatory Disease
Worldwide 3 out of 5 people will die as a result of chronic inflammatory diseases.
Chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world. Without effective treatment, persons with autoimmunity & other chronic inflammatory conditions are denied a high quality of life.
Patients deserve better treatment options
Existing treatments are often toxic, immune suppressive or both. Because of harmful side effects, current therapeutics are used as sparingly as possible, often late in disease and largely treat symptoms: they are not curative.
BiostaxRx is shifting the paradigm
BiostaxRx was founded on the principle that effective and affordable treatments now exist that address a large variety of chronic inflammatory diseases; and those that safely reduce inflammation without suppressing the immune system will take center stage in delivering a high quality of life to the greatest number of patients.